The Appointment of the first Pipe and Drum Sergeant's within the Edmonton Firefighter's Pipes and Drums Society will help serve the band as a whole. The appointments were made by Drum Major. Adams and Pipe Major. Badmington and approved by the P&D executive.
As the Band continues to learn and increase it's skill set in regards to playing tunes, and parade marching, the additional band ranks will help offset the load on the Pipe and Drum Majors. The Pipe Sergeant will be responsible to discharge the Pipe Major's Duties in his absence, as well as assist with practices and bagpipe maintenance and tuning.
The Drum Sergeant will be responsible for the teaching of drumming, drum maintenance and tuning. Also be Responsible to act as or designate the lead drummer at both practices and performances by the Society, Responsible to work jointly with the Pipe Major to ensure that the drum scores are complementary to the piping arrangements, Responsible to ensure that drummers are sufficiently skilled to maintain Performing member status.
Congratulations to Pipe Sgt. Adam Lindsay and Drum Sgt. Jorgen Siebenga on your new appointments!!!
Adam has been playing the Bagpipes for 3yrs now. Adam is a Captain in his 17th year with Edmonton Fire Rescue Services and is stationed in downtown district. Adams says "I look forward to my new role. It will defiantly make me a better bagpiper, and I look forward to helping out our new members and continue to increase my knowledge and skills alongside the rest of the membership, after all...we all started from scratch at the same time!"
Jorgen has been playing the snare drum for 3yrs as well. Jorgen is a 5 year Firefighter with Edmonton Fire Rescue Services. Jorgen is eager to lead the drum corps and is excited to learn his new role as well. As Drum Major. Adams said, "Jorgen is not what the band needs, but what the band deserves".
Both will serve and lead the band well.
Congrats again to Pipe Sgt. Lindsay and Drum Sgt. Siebenga!!!