Executive Members

PRESIDENT - Adam Lindsay

VICE PRESIDENT - Nathaniel Watson

- Egan McNamara

SECRETARY -  Aaron Hazelaar

TREASURER - Mike Adams

DIRECTOR - JM Tetrault

DIRECTOR - Arden Callsen 



DRUM MAJOR- MIKE ADAMS                                          DRUM SGT. - JORGEN SIEBENGA                   

PIPE MAJOR- MATT BADMINGTON                                       PIPE SGT. - ADAM LINDSAY









We are always looking for photos and information about the band. If you have any photos of the band taken and are willing to share them for use in our archives and possibly on this website, please send an email to the contact listed above. If you have a photo in electronic format, please send it by email. For any printed photos or negatives, we will make arrangements to pick them up and make sure they are returned to you.

We would like to acknowledge the City of Edmonton Archives for providing us with several pictures of the departments history. 

Please let us know if you notice any errors or omissions in any of the text or photos on this web site. Thank you for the support!


General Inquiries? Please email us





The Edmonton Firefighters Pipes and Drums Society would like to give a very heartfelt and public thank-you to those who have sponsored and supported us. 

We are extremely grateful to the business communities, Other Pipes & Drums organizations from other local Fire Departments and Police forces, Our Bagpipe and Drum instructors, The City of Edmonton, Edmonton Fire Rescue Administration and the Edmonton Firefighters Union I.A.F.F lOCAL 209. A very special thank you also goes out to the citizens who have supported us.  We realize that this support and sponsorship is extremely important to the success of our Edmonton Firefighters Pipes and Drums Society and the Fire Service we represent. 

We, as members of the Edmonton Firefighters Pipes & Drums Society, are dedicated to upholding the HONOUR, TRADITION and PRIDE that is associated with the Fire Service, its firefighters and the tradition of Highland music.

Also, please be advised the Edmonton Firefighters Pipes & Drums Society does not solicit for personal monetary donations, by way of phone calls, door to door calls,  mail, email or any other method otherwise.  If any solicitation occurs for moneys or your in doubt, please contact us immediately at info@effpipesdrums.ca   

We do on occasion ask for donated items for silent auctions. We are also always excited to obtain additional sponsorship, if you're interested please contact us.