
For information about Funeral Services please see our Funeral Information Page here.

Our upcoming public events:

Performance Bookings

For booking information please send request to

You will initially be in touch with our President and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate persons within our organization. For example, Anything pertaining to event organizing & logistics, you will work with our Band Manager. 

Thank you for your interest in booking the Edmonton Firefighters Pipes and Drums for your event. The Edmonton Firefighters Piping and Drumming Society will attend and perform at events such as memorials, Line of Duty Death Services, Charities, Fundraisers, Parades, Convocations, Remembrance Day and other approved community events upon request.

As a Society, we will not attend political events during an election period.   If we cannot fulfill a request, We can forward information based on the required needs of the event, including Piper and other band contacts. Please contact us for further details. 

We are a self funded not for profit society. Donations are always welcome. All proceeds raised, are directed to the costs associated with Bagpipe and Drum lessons from professional instructors, Equipment maintenance, Practice facility rentals, Instrument purchase, Uniform items, Travel & hospitality costs related to local, provincial, national and international events.

The Edmonton Firefighters Piping and Drumming Society will operate without purpose or gain for its members, and any profits or other assets of this organization will be used solely to promote the traditional art form & music as it pertains to our societys objective. 



Our Tune List 

The Green Hills of Tyrol

When the Battle's Over


Scotland the Brave

Rowan Tree


The High Road to Gairloch


The Barren Rocks of Aden

Mairi's Wedding

Highland Cathedral

Bonnie Dundee

Steam Boat


Funeral Tunes:

Amazing Grace

Going home


Booking Process

  • Respond to the organizers within 24hrs and let them know that their request has been received, is under consideration and that we will be in contact in due course with an answer.  Advise organizer about the process and costs, if applicable. All requests and the initial acknowledged response is to be CC’d in email or form to all EFFP & D executive members for review. 
  •  Amalgamate all advanced requests and present them to our executive in May of each year and then put together the summer parade/performance schedule; For short notice events it will be reviewed in a timely fashion about our commitment to the event. 
    Note for event organizers:  Short notice requests will be responded to in due time, but understand we need to send a call out to our members to check availability and prepare for the event.  For such short notice events (Anything under 4 weeks) we will do our best to confirm, 72 hours before the event, depending on notice time. But will respond with an answer no later than 48hrs before the event. Any requests under 48hrs, in most cases,  cannot be filled.  It is best to give us a few months notice of events at a minimum.  (Funerals are of course an exception)
  • Order of dress is then determined 
  • Once the performances have been approved they will be put out to our members whether they can attend or not and a deadline will be set for members to respond. 
  • The organizers will then be contacted and advised whether we will be attending or not, non availability of members or a conflicting schedule or any other reasons will be noted to the requesting party.